Crystal Rock
Ayse Erkmen

Image: Stefan Bayer
So close to heaven
We have been building sculptures with extremely high standards for the artist Ayse Erkmen for many years. She always relates her works to their surroundings and develops them from the atmosphere of the location.
The "Crystal Rock" sculpture was a major technical challenge. Even the development, statics and construction of the 3.78 meter long, two meter wide and 1.5 meter high sculpture kept us on our toes. The sculpture has a dead weight of approx. 900 kg, the additional counterweight required is approx. 3,200 kg.
The sculpture is mounted on a specially adapted façade trolley. To operate the sculpture, the existing rail system of the façade plastering system had to be upgraded. In addition, the rail system had to be decoupled from the building to avoid structure-borne noise.

Image: Stefan Bayer
Well parked - even in bad weather
A total of 730 highly polished stainless steel sheets on a tubular frame form a 23 square meter surface. In addition, the sculpture travels along the edge of the roof of the NRW Bank at a height of 50 meters and automatically moves into a safe parking position in bad weather thanks to a sophisticated control system.
The sculpture travels taking into account all the necessary safety systems such as video surveillance, collision monitoring and weather data, as well as wind speeds. In 2021, the work was dismantled from the roof of the NRW Bank and is now waiting for a new exhibition location.

Image: Stefan Bayer

Image: Stefan Bayer
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